A huge thanks to all of the below for helping the server keep going forward!
Thank you left column!
Stathis sp3c1al1st Sevek hostolis Panikos Alkeye ntonalt.ntak Intruder Lt.Michail GuitarDisciple Debaser WorstNightmare fanulis Teh_Winner Eien_no_Yami b@CksTaBZzz-FAN X@0$ morpherd2tml Skapaneas BrotherMagic -7- LikeABoss
Oh yeah right column too!
slayeR Thatguy Theo EzekyleAbadon GaToNi JohnnyTheFox Sinapoglou Tromos Miltakos Jumaru Elixir Gi@nnis kyrios kastoras Insuline Abadasa Sanji Petroklos mc_wolf Deadman Johny.Gr Marios This could be you!